Russia Customer Visit Our Company

2019.10.25th this customer visit our factory,he is very satisfy our production equipment. Because our equipment is worldwide most famous brand ,moreover is latest edition.In this way we can make sure the accurate production.We have China most skilled technical experts.

Not only have top quality,the price also very reasonable.After visit,customer take samples on test bench.was very satisfy the Random choice quality.

As we everyone cleared,customer visiting is key to keeping customers and orders.So we should be clear customer visting program

1. Who will visit you

Which classes will visit you?

1) Senior management department.such as boss,owner etc

2) Sales manager

3) Two or more people’s team

4) Individual

2. When do they visit you?

1) after professional emails or communicate

2) After trial order

3) After some orders

4) After heard from someone ,fairs or web sit

3. For any customer visit, is to help you gain a better understanding of:

1) Their market

2)The people

3) Why choose us

4) Their coming needs

5) The method how Build more stronger cooperation


Post time: Jun-04-2020